Sunday, August 12, 2007

July Update

Just an update to let you know how the month of July went. Please forgive the backwards chronology. By the time I remember that Blogger puts the pictures in on top of each other, I am already too far in and don't want to start over. But, the story is still the same.

Towards the end of July, we made our yearly pilgrimage to northern Minnesota. We started out by way of Cheyenne for Frontier Days. Lots of cowboys. Then we headed east into hot and humid weather. Blech. We made a stop in St. Paul for dinner with my brother and a trip to the Science Museum. We picked my aunt up at the airport and made the drive to my mom and dad's house to enjoy the mugginess and bugs. Oh, and the Korean food wasn't bad. Grandpa did take the girls fishing, and even Noelle caught some bass. Grandpa did help her cheat and she reeled in some of his, too. Enjoy the pictures below.

Here are the girls helping Mimi pick raspberries. Later, she made jam for us to truck across the country to my aunt and uncle's house and Paul and Judy's.
Here are Emily and Reese with Mimi and her birthday cake. The girls also picked out the flowers. And before you ask, Noelle was napping, that is why she is not in the picture.
Here are the girls at some rest stop in Nebraska. It just seemed like a nice spot to take pictures.
We stayed overnight in the St.Paul area. While there, we went to the Science Museum of Minnesota. Here is Reese extracting DNA.

Noelle at the telescopes. Reese and Emily doing a germ test.
Overlooking the Mississippi River. You would not believe that no more than 10 minutes after taking this picture, there was a horrible rain that dumped sheets of water. The water was blowing sideways and made driving difficult. We were drenched walking the 50 feet from our car to the hotel.

We were camping again in mid-July. Here are only a fraction of the children who usually are part of our camping group. We may soon qualify to use the group campgrounds. This time we were only about 45 minutes away in Woodland Park. However, it didn't look any different than the campgrounds that are 2 hours away, so we may be doing this more often.

Here are the girls in a field of flowers while we were on a hike.

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